preview of alternate artwork for LP version of the Jodis "Secret House album. to be released via hydra head records in december. cd available now. photos for LP version and design assistance by faith t coloccia. LP (and japanese/daymare cd version) will contain track not included on US cd version.
billboard in slovenia for upcoming isis show. never would have imagined we'd be sharing public space with living colour... or playing in slovenia for that matter. photo courtesy of stephen o'malley. model: peter rehberg.

2 mamiffers on the boat from sweden to finland - photo courtesy of john overstreet. last mamiffer show on the isis tour tonight in prague - thanks for having us along other isis', and thanks to those that came early to listen us play live renditions of mamiffer songs new and old. vinyl version of "hirror enniffer" out now via sige records. all the copies we brought for our portion of the isis tour are sold out. remaining copies soon available via hydra head, conspiracy, select retail outlets, and possibly future mamiffer live shows.

here is a bench in warsaw on a misty night before the isis/mamiffer/dälek show the following day. nice to walk about warsaw at night and nice to play there again as well.

a hairy guy sitting on a zebra print bench with pixelated african nature scene wallpaper behind him on a boat sailing from finland to estonia. photo by faith t coloccia.
some hydra head updates: pyramids with nadja collaborative album available as of 2 weeks ago. available directly from hydra head and vacation vinyl as well as various other outlets. available this week exclusively direct from hydra head & vacation vinyl: everlovely lightningheart "sien weal tallion rue" cd version (limited to 300 copies, handmade packaging) and the new 12" by oxbow entitled "songs for the french".
helpful and/or informative while traveling the lands of perpetual dusk: back bench companion, philip k. dick "divine invasion", marjane satrapi "persepolis", the bug "london zoo", at the gates "slaughter of the soul", bohren and der club of gore "dolores"....
Cool you liked Poland... despite shitty sound in venue where you played :) As for Jodis cover art - I prefer cd version, more minimalistic, better suits music. Please consider revisiting us next year with Jodis, or Greymachine... or Jodis AND Greymachine :) Cheers!
That picture of the park bench is more or less what comes to mind when I listen to Dolores. The tour looks like fun, but the U.S looks forward to more Isis and Mamiffer (and if possible Jodis) live activities.
london zoo is brilliant
you're an amazing artist man. how do you make those standalone java players for hydra head?! like, a site for just the bands demo or cd? I want to make one for my band!
Great work! And thanks for coming to Slovenia (for the fourth time). If it were up to me, I'd give you a whole billboard for yourselves :) Great gig, really hope to see you again soon.
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