the "wolf" project, a collaboration between tom neely and house of low culture is well underway. the end result of the project will be a full length wordless/pictorial novel by tom with an accompanying "soundtrack" by HOLC. as of this writing the art 3 of the 4 chapters is complete (or very near completion), and the musical portion of chapter 1 is also finished. there is no set release date just yet, but we hope to have all the parts finished by early summer with the goal of an autumn release for the final piece. there may be a short run publication in some format of the first chapter (both music and print) as an introductory presentation for the project - when that becomes a reality specifics will certainly be posted here and/or tom neely's page. in the meantime you can take a gander at a couple images from the first chapter (above) as well as a timelapse video of tom inking a page with accompanying music by HOLC (an older track from the second album, originally released in 2003). we'll have a proper "preview" ready soon including music actually generated for the book.
also - now available via the hydra head webstore are the vinyl versions of mamiffer "hirror enniffer" and lotus eaters "mind control for infants".
recent positive absorbtion: joe sacco "footnotes in gaza", azrael "act IV", oren ambarchi - live, knut "wonder", ephal duath "pain necessary to know", ondskapt "draco sit mihi dux", baroness - live, new zealand....