Above: Artwork for the "Scepters to Rust" single by Split Cranium, coming soon via Hydra Head Records. The cover image (a Polaroid transfer), and label painting by Faith Coloccia. The B side of the single features a remix by Daniel Menche. The release date is a sneak attack. With ski masks. Preview track will be posted soon.
Holiday cheer: Ascension "Consolamentum", Lawrence English "Kiri No Oto", Sunno))) meets Nurse With Wound "The Iron Soul of Nothing", Thou/Leech - split, Peterlicker "Nicht", Hey Colossus/Dethscalator - split, Bill Orcutt "How the Thing Sings", H.P. Lovecraft - The Best of H.P. Lovecraft, Alan Moore - The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen 1969, Pharaoh Overlord "Lunar Jetman", etc.