Monday, June 29, 2009


as of 6/26/09 i became engaged to a wonderful woman named faith coloccia. i feel extremely grateful for having been fortunate enough to cross paths with faith, and even more so for having gotten to know, spend time, and collaborate with her. the life we have shared together thus far has been a truly transformative and illuminating experience which has meant more to me than i could ever hope to express with in the confines of this forum or indeed any other. i hope that our journey together is just beginning....



Kethro)))) said...


Anonymous said...

Congrats!!!! Come back to Northampton,MA!

Anonymous said...

Many congratulations to you both!

Bryan Proteau said...

Congratulations! You guys seem perfect for each other.

‡erusalem kricke‡ said...


::Andre:: said...


Anonymous said...

Conrats! Can't wait to see you in Munich!

Ross in England said...

Dear Aaron, Faith

Wonderful news; many congratulations to you both from me and my family.

May the wind fill your sails so that they billow you along in the direction you both want to go - for eternity.

best wishes

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to the both of you, a hundred times over. This bodes well.

xu-my said...

Congratulations !!!

jhulud said...

Muchas felicidades! Congrats to the both of you!

March2theSea said...

Congratulations! Wishing you both the best!

Anonymous said...

congrats buddy! now go live life to the fullest!
from the deserts of AZ.

Nate Christy said...

Congratulations to you both!

Anonymous said...

Love slumbers
till aptness
stirs not remnants
but Redness unfinished.

The Eyes involved
rendered conscious
of theyr having become
Agents of The Hue.

Ned said...

Good on yous both! Congrats, Hoss.

Aaron Edge said...

— Great news indeed.

Unknown said...

weeehow!! You guys rock! Lots of luck to you!

PS Aaron, you look like Michael J Scofield on this photo :)

sasha selipanov said...

awesome dude! wish you two many happy years together! what a creative couple!

Larry said...

Great news! Hope you two will live a long and happy life together.

Anonymous said...

Excellent news. Congrats to you both!

Chris Foglia said...

Congratulations to you both!

Anonymous said...

Congrats and Best Wishes!

Curtis G said...

Awesome! Congratulations!!!

Matt Walker said...

Wow, that is great news. I just saw you guys at the Henry Fonda. I am very happy for you both and wish you both the best.


stoffe said...

Well i knew this would happen :D
all the best for you both

Kevin Gan Yuen said...

well wishes to you both!

Night Goat said...

Congrats dude!

Krumbled Kookie said...

Many congratulations! May you both continue to learn from each other :)

Noel Dávila said...

Congratulations, Aaron. You should go to Madrid for your honey-moon. Here's a taste:

Paul C. said...

Congratulations Aaron! I wish you both the best, may your radiance never waver.

rg said...

good luck to you both! any woman that can put up with a touring man is worth keeping around ;)

Anonymous said...

cheers ms. coloccia & mr. turner!

Anonymous said...

I'm really happy for you Aaron! Congrats.

Brett said...

Congrats! I am loving the Mamiffer maybe more albums in the future?

Anonymous said...

Awesone! Hope u both have a long and happy life together and hopefully that'll mean we get some more awesome Mammiffer material! Savour every moment and keep on rockin! X

Demian Johnston said...

congrats you crazy kids!

Nathan James Pitcher said...


Let me tell you something boy, it may all be stinky roses and making love in the green grass now, but you ain't never felt pain until you've installed a new sink from Home Depot when you were supposed to be on tour. Shit. Don't scoff. Everyone gives you congrats, which you do deserve, but take it in stride. I too was once a bad ass with creative control over the universe (managing the band XYZ), but that all came apart as I committed my gonads to a one-armed stripper named Chloe. It was all peaches and cream (or maybe Wild Turkey and whippits), but I have never felt pain as I did when I awoke from my slumber to a woman's scorn, begging for me to spend my last dollar on diapers and dog food. Reality sets in there, my man, and my desert flower turned into a shit sandwich on my blistered lips.

BTW-- Faith, you rock in Mammifer. No 'fence.

Mumaguso said...

So congratulations, i hope you'll be happy!

Ahab said...

Congratulations man. But come on, where are the smiles in that photo! I wanna see a slap-happy "I just got engaged" grin.

Anonymous said...

congratulations! happy to hear that :)

Anonymous said...

so lucky for everything you have! you two are a beautiful couple