back from house of low culture/mamiffer shows in europe. thanks to all those who hosted us, attended the shows, and to the bands we played with at the various events. we hope there will be further opportunities for mamiffer and HOLC in europe as this was a positive introduction for both bands to foreign soil. above pictures from berlin show, courtesy of kelly akashi.
and then there's this:
"yeah, right. great performance, great poster, great attitude to the people. unfortunately, Mr.Turner, i will not be able to listen to your work in this same way, i did it before the Assymetry HOLC show... in fact, i am quite incensed."
would the anonymous person who left this comment care to explain what i did to upset them? both mamiffer and HOLC made efforts to put on the best performance possible and to treat those in wroclaw with respect and gratitude. perhaps there's something i'm missing?
impending: isis US tour, greymachine 12" and "disconnected" CD, jodis album art, etc....
affirmative: pj harvey and john parish "a woman a man walked by", funeral mist "maranatha", antaeus/katharsis split 7", hellblazer "bloodlines", cormac mccarthy "outer dark", big business "mind the drift", dälek - live in wroclaw, keith jarrett "radiance"....
If you enjoy 'Outer Dark' I would love to suggest other books of the same ilk. I'm a librarian in Tulsa, and when I'm not damaging my eardrums, I indulge in my obsession with McCarthy and other great books. Best-Nick
Ah, I will be arriving in Dallas/Ft. Worth the day you and Pelican will be playing there. Sadly, my hostess is already going above and beyond the call of duty and I would simply be imposing as a guest to force her to go with me to see you guys. It's quite a tease as I've seen neither you or Pelican and would love to see such a bill. Hope the tour goes well!
i think that dude was angry about your white-boy-fro.
Seems like anything you do garners the most bizarre, irrational criticism, even from those who profess to enjoy your work. To the point where I refuse to even read comments on articles about/interviews with Isis. What did you do to deserve being saddled with these poseurs as your fans? I find that experimental music fans are often some of the most close-minded and pointlessly belligerent you'll ever find. Ironic and sad, really. And even if they're mentally ill or just plain stupid, it doesn't really come across sometimes. Again, the internet allows anyone with enough IQ to bang on a keyboard the forum to voice their opinions, be it for good or ill.
Just be glad you're not Justin Broadrick, with respect to stuff like this. He has some of the most meatheaded fans in existence, who simply can't fathom that experimental music is supposed to surprise/challenge/defy.
Keep up the good work, and ignore the haters. I always think of it like this - pick any single piece of art/music/sound/film you have in your collection. Search for it online, and it won't take long to find someone talking shit about it or calling it overrated. It doesn't mean you should give them or their opinion the time of day.
As far as this guy - looks like something's lost in translation. He seemed to like your performance, so whatever...he's lucky he got to see it. It's not like HOLC will be playing where I live anytime soon.
I will not profess to know how to deal with guys like the hater you mentioned in your post, but as the commenter before me said, he is indeed lucky to have seen the show. Perhaps HoLC and Mamiffer are not "metal enough" for that dude. He's probably one of the same guys that says Isis has "sold out" by making a beautifully complete record in "Wavering Radiant." To hell with the haters, man. You know you've got more fans than detractors, and unless someone's got a valid criticism, just forget them.
By the way, the Mamiffer album is unbelievably good. I've played it so many times that it seems to be burned into my brain. I've been hearing that music in my head for years - I'm glad someone finally made and recorded it.
As always, keep up the great work.
Nevermind the bollocks, let's talk about this new Isis disc. I am really enjoy the new tunes. But nevermind the tunes! The Digipak thingy cardboard must weight 20 pounds. Goddamn, they must have cut down a whole damn forest to press these CD covers! But Nevermind them fucking trees, what kind of ink is this. This is my favorite smellin' CD too. Seriously. Smell the shit!
I understand you... I do so many sacrifices to put bands here and I get thankless people all the time. That guy has the right to not like HOLC, but not use those words. And you Aaron, you should not worry about everyone that doesn't like your bands. Mammiffer + HOLC in europe again for a proper tour soon!!!
Just saw PJ Harvey + Parish live, it was good but it's not the same... To see Polly Jean without Rid of Me and others, without her playing guitar it's...strange...
Harold's right, Mamiffer's album is one of the best I listened to in the last years, it grows so much...
@ A.Turner
i was speaking only about my personal feelings on HOLC performance. it has nothing to do with Mamiffier, Wroclaw or the audience there in general.
i had some expectations, maybe that is the reason i found that ~30min show so bad. 2 years ago i was on Isis concert in this same venue and it is still one of the very best i've ever seen. also, the studio recordings gave me some hope for nice sounds. i know, that it is really different to perform that kind od music on stage, but still it was, in my opinion, nowhere near it. especially the one after the break. it was nothing i wanted to hear after 9 hours in a disgusting polish train coming from the opposite part of the country.
you know what was the first thought, that came to me after seeing you singing silence for 10 min and playing on an unplugged guitar (thich is cool btw, Electrical baritone ?)? that guy in so stoned or sth, that he can not hear people telling him to plug it in.. this same with putting on and off effects like 10 times. i do not know, if you were allright or not, but this is what i saw and thought. a guy treating his audience with ebow, 3 notes and max feedback on his rv-3.
the overall impression was bad, and i can not change it. i think, that this blog in a good place to express my dissatisfaction. even if i am completely wrong.
hater? this is ridiculous. please, think several times before you offend me or somebody else with this heavy shit. seriously, no further comment on that.
white-boy-fro ? mine is at least twice as big. and it used to be much bigger in the past. another absurd.
you've read 3,5 lines of text from me and you pretend to know anything about me ? closed- minded, hater, poseur, mentally ill or just plain stupid, enough IQ to bang on a keyboard, detractor. nice. i will not get involved in that...
Aleksander, (olas.tcz at gmail.com)
got the new album yesterday, and , it's almost like discovering a new world all over again. indeed i'm impressed, indeed i'm happy ISIS finally released a new album, but indeed this album is...well, different from the rest. straight to the point. straight to the meaning like how a moth draws itself to a burning light. perfect but yet seductive to roll a fat one to...like how I intake peyote for Lotus Eaters/HOLC albums. I truly would love to extend my gratitude to you Aaron for being extremely talented on your music projects. always you leave me stunned & stoned on each release you put out and there is no other artist (except of course for SOMA, but of course he's on a different level) but only you are one of a kind.
always a dear fan from northern AZ!
can't wait for the 5/16 show buddy!
see ya until then!
My copy of Wavering Radiant arrived today. First things first: the packaging and artwork is fantastic. I love the use of photos mixed in with the drawings. Isis' best album artwork yet, I'd say.
And the music itself is up to the standard too - elements of Oceanic's somewhat more raw sound (as compared to Absence), but developing further the more ambient, progressive elements from Absence. Quite possibly my favourite Isis album, but I'd have to listen to it a few more times to be sure of that.
Speaking of Cormac McCarthy, I read his latest book The Road recently. Damn good book, though I've not read any of his other work - been far too busy for much reading sadly.
I'm very much looking forward to the ISIS show in Boston. I'm up there that week to visit friends and as soon as I found that you'd be playing...well...that was icing on the cake for my trip. See ya in Beantown!
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