Good stuff: Oranssi Pazuzu "Kosmonument", Aaron Dilloway "Modern Jester", Ilsa "Tutti Il Colori...", Vaura "Selenelion", Menace Ruine "The Die Is Cast", Ides of Gemini "Constantinople", Ambarchi/Brinkmann "The Mortimer Trap", Circle "Manner", Daniel Menche "Quanta of Light", Corrupted "Garten der Unbewusstheit", etc...
More news soon....
+1 for Corrupted. Love that band. El Mundo Frio is amazing. Actually just scored myself a copy El Mundo Frio after searching high and flow for it. Still waiting for my copy of Garten Der Unbewusstheit to arrive.
Also, If you have any leads on how to obtain Corrupted's music, let me know. To my knowledge H.G Fact is no longer. And it seems Nostalgia Blackrain takes a millennia to get your stuff out (ordered my copy of Garten...going on a month and a half ago.) I'm currently in search of Paso Inferior and that double album they put out, can't recall the name.
This is Daniel, I bought the Shirt and Sunn CD off you a few days ago.
P.S What'd you think of the new Drudkh album?
Aaron, if it's not a problem, could you, please, share what are your personal plans for the near future? You have already told that in the near future new JODIS full-length could be expected. But probably there're a lot more projects in your mastermind ))) Maybe something absolutely unexpected like SPLIT CRANIUM or maybe GREYMACHINE, etc.
More info soon on upcoming projects. Thanks for asking.
As for Corrupted, unfortunately I have no idea where the best place to get their music might be. Aquarius Records is usually pretty good at tracking down their stuff... and there's always Discogs...
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