Above: Cover image for Mamiffer/Oakeater split LP on Sige Records. Artwork by Faith Coloccia.
The Mamiffer/Oakeater split LP is finally finished and available for mailorder as is the CD version of the Mamiffer/House of Low Culture split CD (Utech Records). For further details and ordering information go here. LP version of the Mamiffer/House of Low Culture is still in the works due to some hold ups with the vinyl itself. Hope to have those available by early next month.
On a sad note, friend and artist Stephen Kasner is experiencing a serious health emergency and is in need of financial assistance from anyone willing to help out. Here is an excerpt of a statement on the subject from Utech Records which includes info on making donations to the cause:
"Stephen Kasner has recently been diagnosed with some serious medical
issues. Like many artists who lack the benefit of medical insurance, he
pushed the situation aside until it became unavoidable. Emergency care has
been initiated, but he is not out of the woods yet, and his continued care
is extremely necessary - hence this call for aid to friends, admirers of his
art, and comrades alike.
You can help by making a donation via PayPal to kasner@stephenkasner.com
I am offering three URSK box sets for $115 each: http://www.utechrecords.com/URSK.html. All proceeds will go directly to Stephen."
Any news on new Jodis album? Cheers!
Really saddened to hear about Kasner. He's a really good person and individual. I sincerely hope he makes a speedy recovery.
i've placed whispers into her.
thank you for all the great work, dear Aaron.
Got my record today. Thanks to SIGE!
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