above + below: finished pieces from the old man gloom "christmas" CD layout (see also previous post).
....aaaand, at the moment most of the old man gloom albums are not in print, but if you look to your left you will see some of them available as digital downloads. this of course isn't ideal as artwork in the realm of the digital album becomes obsolete, or at the very least its strength diminished, but better for these albums to be available in this form than not at all. hopefully in the coming year some or all of the albums will again become available in some format besides the solely digital, but there are as far as i know no concrete plans for re-pressings/reissues at the moment....

I'm lucky I got to see some of the "Christmas" drawings in person at the Catalyst show. Seeing some of your work in person was a major turning point in the development of my current aesthetic.
One of my fav albums ever...
HAA! nice. i tried painting some of this copying it to a wall in my home; yeah it didn't do it justice, dude! I have most of the actual albums, glad i do if they're not in print. When is OMG making some new heaviness????????
Hi Aaron,
Do master images of the seminar II/Seminar III art work exist? As long as I've had the albums on CD/LP I've always wanted to own a large canvas of the two images side by side a la http://media.photobucket.com/image/old%20man%20gloom%20seminar%20II/barryburton1987/OMGsemall.jpg
Ideally without the silver OMG text as the artwork is stunning in its own right to those who aren't necessarily fans of the music.
Hope you can help.
Now for the words! I would be beyond stoked on the lyrics for Christmas. I've always wondered.
Why not include PDF's of the artwork along with the digital downloads? That would open up the possibility of artwork being visible at sizes limited only by the sizes of computer screens.
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