above (from top to bottom):
[1.] "fountain" t-shirt: which includes art i made originally for the "wavering radiant" album and the complete lyrics for that same album. [2.] "planet" t-shirt: which also includes a drawing i made for "wavering radiant", as well as one made for the forthcoming isis/melvins split 12". [3.] "eagle" t-shirt: a design which incorporates artwork by aaron horkey originally generated for the japanese/australian isis 2010 tour poster. [4.] alternate cover artwork by tom neely for the isis "live V" 2xLP . the version of the 2xLP featuring this cover will also be available on the upcoming isis tour along with a t-shirt based around an adapted version of the same artwork.
in other isis news: the end has come. the members of isis have been, are or will be active in a number of other bands ( mgr, zozobra, mamiffer, spylacopa, greymachine, red sparowes, jodis, etc.) and their individual voices will continue to sound through those (and a good many other) projects to come. "thank you" is not an adequate expression to convey what is felt towards all those who made the life of isis possible for the last 13 years.... but thank you all none the less.
say it aint so....ISIS have made such a mark on my life, more than you could imagine. ive never followed ,promoted, or listened to a band as much as i have ISIS. much respect and gratitude. do it your way. ill be at the philly show to say my farewell.
Thanks for everything Aaron and the rest of you guys for making some of the most inspiring music I've ever set my ears on! Not alot of bands have managed to put out 5 amazing albums in a row before Isis hit the scene.
For the rest of my life I will look down on my Oceanic tattoo and remember you guys for all you've helped me go through these last few years.
Much love to you all and good luck in the future with your other projects! Looking forward to hearing the Mamiffer album!
Thanks for everything!
Guess the first thing is just to say THANK YOU... for many years of some of the best material out there. You said you wanted to produce "thinking man's metal" and you guys delivered on that promise, so thank you again!
Second, will you continue to write on this space to keep us updated on your other projects, Jodis, Greymachine, artwork, etc.?
ISIS, and all of the accompanying artwork related, have had a very drastic, positive and lifechanging effect on how i perceive both music and music related artwork the last 3/4 years and i am glad that they are going to continue doing so for the next however many years.
seriously, thankyou and goodnight.
I'm sad today ...
You guys meant so much to me. I'm so grateful to you for everything you've done with ISIS band.
P.S. insignificant question, shirts you put at the head of the post will also be available on your website store?
Thank you, for ever and ever.
Thank you for all the great music and memories as ISIS. Looking forward to the future.
I fully understand and respect your and the bands decision. But it's a sad day nonetheless. I actually felt this odd feeling, as if a relative died, which is quite absurd, but hey, I just couldn't help it...Glad I saw you guys perform.
Best of luck Aaron, and keep the excellence.
I'm so sad. Really. I hope you wouldn't be offended if my black metal band Frontier did a cover of an Isis song!
Thank you, ISIS, for many years of your truly amazing music - it will accompany my whole life. Was lucky to catch three of your shows in Europe last as you have always been mind blowing live. Wish you all the best, love and happiness in everything you do - and wish to hear from your other projects. Chin chin from Finland.
I was really sad to find out today that you guys are deciding not to take ISIS any further, but I completely understand your choice based on artistic vision and thought.
Hopefully something will come along to pick up the Legacy you have left behind, big big big shoes to fill.
we thank you and isis. your dedication means a lot.
i feel really fortuned because i had a chance to you see you live once.
you changed something in music .. maybe that will only be clear in the next years or decades but it's out there and your footprint will never be erased!
greetings from portugal.
When I read the news last night I stared at my computer screen for five minutes without moving. Incredible career and life changing music. Thank you.
I hope these awesome t-shirt designs someday make an appearance on your webstore on the main website! I'd love to add to my already large collection of Isis apparel.
Thank you all for the good times, super records and fantastic live shows. You'll be dearly missed.
Thank YOU guys!!! All the best!!
Aaron I can never thank you enough for the songs you and the rest have given us. I hope everyone carries on with the same enthusiasm in their other projects.
Will these t-shirts be available online along with any new hoodies? As the bluecollardistro site have very little in stock or in my size and I would love some merch to go along with all my cd’s, dvd’s and vinyl’s.
Aaron, a gigantic thank you to yourself and the boys in Isis for all that you have done for the artistic world. Last night I put on Panopticon before I went to bed and as the beautiful hum of guitars, bass, synth, drums and your own voice sang me to sleep I cried. It was out of sadness and joy. Although I had not listened to that album for a while now and I can't exactly say Isis have been my most played band recently (I've been listening to a lot of other stuff so "it's not you, it's me",) your break-up reminded me that it was listening to So Did We for the very first time when I was about fifteen-years-old that opened the floodgates to a storm of different musical genres and styles for me to listen to. Following a few month long obsession with that single song I started to listen to more experimental, more intense, more heartfelt music and over the past few years have been exploring not only the listening to of other music, but the creation of it. So thank you very much for your bands' inspiration on me not only as a musician but as a visual artist. Who knows with things like blogs, but if this does reach your eyes thank the other members personally for their contribution to my life. It seems so bizarre that a group of strangers has influenced it so much.
"The years, they passed, and so did we..."
Thanks guys,
I am in shock here. It seems kind of surreal. Well, I will continue to enjoy the various (no longer side) projects.
I always thought Isis would be a constant in my life.
Thanks for the many happy memories
First, a high school friend, my dog and now my favorite band. It's been a sad week.
Thanks for the great music & memories from travels to attend your shows
for me, Isis works in many ways. on music, on the visual side, made it on the cover art you did, the music video i watch, the live performance,... and so with the lyrical content. as a writer for music magazine, i always tell my reader that Isis is the band you can listen to anytime you wanted to, at the same time it required your knowledge of wikipedia, sort of. thanks aaron for 13 years of Isis. better days on your upcoming projects. i dig greymachine, and i hope, and even lotus eater. hope to see something out from these two names.
It's sad that Isis are ending, but thank you to you and the guys for the music you have brought to this world.
Any chance that there will be another Greymachine album? You know, to help soothe the pain of loss that we are feeling?
I can truly say that your music has had a positive impact on my life. Through the years your albums have been there for me. Looking forward to seeing you guys in SF but also very sad that it will be the last time...
I wish you and the whole band the best in your future endeavors.
Thank you so much.
to quote ABBA... "thank you for the music" ;) red sea still counts as one of my favourite songs ever! i strongly recommend you do another old man gloom album in future though. the riffs owned! good luck with all your future endeavors :)
This is very sad news! I wish you had announced this earlier and toured a little closer to my home. I only was able to see you guys once. I hope you don't totally close the door on future Isis.
Thanks for the great music and keep it up!
Also I don't know if it's too late to set something like this up, but you should seriously consider doing an HD recording of one of your final shows. I would love to own that for future viewing.
My hearts broken yet again.
First Aereogramme now you guys.
Lets just say you guys have went out with full guns blazing.
Ive seen you guys 3 times. Best gigs of my life and some of the best times of my lifes, pure brilliance.
Once i listened to oceanic when it first came out i never looked back
I bid you adue...my friends, take care.
the new shirt designs look fucking great, by the way.
You've been a real inspiration to me and i'm sure to many more.
If there is anyone to thank here - it is definitely YOU guys.
It's a bummer there won't be an Isis to wish to see someday anymore... all i can hope for is a reunion show some far and distant day.
(I'd like to buy one of the Tshirts, where can i get it?)
Incredible sadness and shock when I saw the news, but completely understandable. The music you and your band mates have created have changed and inspired my life the past four years, and I'm truly grateful for that. Thank you.
a very sad day for me. you guys were the most significant band in heavy music of the decade. good luck with future projects.
This is truly the end of an era. Words cannot describe how ISIS changed the face of music for me. Thank you for creating this incredible and inspiring art. I wish you all the best in all your future endeavors.
I would just like to send all of my love and respect to the members of Isis. I cannot express how much this music has become a part of me with words. All I can say is thank you. I'll be there at the last show in Montreal, and I'm not sure there will be a dry eye in the room. Best wishes for the future. Many thanks, and much love.
ISIS is not dying, on the contrary they have reinvigorated music in general. Friends and family members, who before listening to ISIS, could not even stand the metal genre, have completly fallen for their unique musical stylings. You guys turned people who never had an ear for it into metalheads. I will never forget the first time I heard your music, and the amazing times at the live shows in Houston where I actually got to know a couple of you. I wish you all the best in the world. Please if you go on tour with other your other projects make sure and stop through Houston. We love all that you do down here in Texas. Peace
Are these shirt designs still going to eventually be available through the web store?
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