above - preview images from the layout for the torche/boris split 10".
from top to bottom:
1. front cover
2. interior foldout
3. backside of innersleeve
4. unused composition from early version of the layout
project specs and info:
-oversized double sided poster style fold out - 20.5" x 20.5 ", folded into quarters around vinyl and inserted into plastic sleeve / matte coated paper w/spot UV gloss on both sides of the poster foldout / heavy weight printed innersleeve for vinyl / full color 10" labels and multiple colors of vinyl (hopefully) matching colors used in the layout. lettering and layout assistance by faith coloccia.
in other news:
to be released via hydra head on tuesday oct 13: jodis "secret house" - the long delayed debut album. pics of the finished layout and more info in the next couple days. also recently released on hydra head : oxbow "fuckfest" reissue, nihill "krach" and "grond", and just around the corner, the vinyl version of the recently released album by keelhaul "triumphant return to obscurity".
tonight at vacation vinyl in los angeles, ca: skeleton witch live instore. and tomorrow: nadja. if you are a resident of the los angeles area come on down, the shows are free....
currently enjoying: married life, alegria, local, converge "axe to fall", the austerity program - new EP, megadeth "endgame", nahvalr "s/t".
wish you two all the best!
Diggin' the art.
Listening to Converge before release date? Tsk tsk you evil law breaking music downloader!
nahvalr s/t is one of the most scary things i ever heard..
cheers from argentina.
holy crap those colors are awesome!
Sweet! Been waiting on this one a while. I hope one is like a solid neon orange with purple streaks or splatter, that would like sick!
"Listening to Converge before release date? Tsk tsk you evil law breaking music downloader!"
yeah, theres definitely no way he could have actually obtained it through legitimate means
well, i actually did obtain the converge album legitimately. this due to the fact that hydra head released records by converge in the past and i also did album and t shirt art for them on numerous occasions....
...so there!
The Jodis album is incredible I can't stop listening to it. I hardly recognize the vocalist I first heard on Panopticon those years ago. Your skill and confidence as a vocalist has evolved so much in such a short amount of time. Secret House is really a testament to your skill as vocalist and as a musician in general. Congratulations on achieving artistic excellence!
Nice work Aaron love the concept and the composition. Also like the way your sticking with hand drawn fonts makes it feel alot more significant.
Thanks again,
the colors in this layout are strikingly awesome and mezmerizing! I love how bold it is.... thanks for the constant inspiration.
not that this is related at all either, but on a sidenote I just wanted to thank you for all of your music with ISIS over the years as well. the past 4 months life has been an isolated hell on earth as i've been trying to get on positively after a disasterous breakup with my ex of 8 years. i woke up crying this morning on the verge of yet another anxiety attack after i had another dream about walking endlessly out into the ocean and drowning (it's been recurring). my first thought to calm myself was to play 'Oceanic' and as always it did the trick. that album in particular has gotten me through alot of these really heavy times and I sincerely appreciate you and your band creating it. your music is therapeautic for me and has the uncanny ability to help me forget myself and find peace. thank you.
i wish you and faith all the best and an incredibly happy life together. :)
lol projection!
nice going kids.
put brains into gear before engaging mouth.
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