pictured above (in no particular order):
-the big set up in austin, bear head emerging from wooden vagina, tour poster by justin bartlett, after show feast in hotel room, a very tastefully decorated gas station/convenience store.
tour going well thus far. albuquerque NM, atlanta GA, and carrboro NC have been particular highlights. great posters delivered unto us so far: mackie osborne, justin bartlett (who'll be selling his remaining prints here ) , and henry owings. more on the way soon. currently in DC.
traveling supplements: aura noir "hades rise", "bottomless belly button" by dash shaw, asva "what you don't know is frontier", "miss america" by frederick w. turner, hellblazer "tainted love" by garth ennis, karp s/t, pictorial supplements from FC and JO'M...
Thanks for the update Aaron. Looking forward to catching the show in Boston next week.
Looking to hearing these new songs live. The new album is class.
The new album is great. Loved the piece on you guys in Decibel Magazine.
I've been a fan of Isis for a long time now, but until yesterday, I had yet to experience the band live. What I witnessed last night, yes, was truly an experience. Everything was magically, although, the Black Cat isn't the greatest of venues. Seeing you guys live was everything I imagined it would be. Intense, passionate, and mind blowing. After the show was over and I walked back to my condo, the only thing I could think about doing was putting on Wavering Radiant and listen to it again. You guys are what a band should encompass and makes one realize what a lack of talent there is in the musical/artist world these days. I cannot wait to see you guys again. Hopefully it won't be too long before you are back in D.C.
Mmmm, peanut butter and banana sandwiches! Hope you guys are doing well on the road. Can't wait for the Portland show.
The Tour Poster is totally killer.
I've checked some of Mr Bartlett' art: it's terrific :-)
Keep some energy for the European Tour as well :-p
Good things for you on the road from Belgium...
Btw, in case you didn't know, you're performing the same day as Meshuggah @ Dour Festival... Promising day, I'm telling you ;-)
The Austin show was killer! You guys did a great set. Those metal guitars are sick! I saw the Melvins 25th anniversary show the next night, and Buzz was playing one of those as well. If only I could of scored a clear version of WR...
I thought hearing Celestial (The Tower) as an encore in Orlando was a big highlight of mine. Loved it. I talked to the keyboardist ha ha... he signed my WR records sleeve :P
Can you post the pressing info for Wavering Radiant from Ipecac? We can't seem to find it online. Thanks.
great show in Boston on Friday. Any chance you could post the set list?
I'm still reveling in the good vibes from the show in Toronto last night. Amazing set with Tombs and Pelican, I'm really glad I've finally gotten to see Isis live. I was hoping to see a copy of Red Sea on vinyl, but alas, I still walked away with some brilliant merchandise.
Didn't get a chance to talk to you or the rest of the band (although it was great to see you hanging out in the merch room while the Pelican dudes set up), but it's refreshing to see a band I admire being so down to earth. I hope to hear more from Isis in the future.
I've loved Isis since i was 15. I'm 23 now. One of my best friends, Nate Laprade introduced me to your band via a demo of celestial that had been floating around Boston. I too, expected a lot out of the performance.
You guys were truly amazing. I've been such a huge fan of what you do that i try and make sure the music i create is nothing like the stuff you write. I make an effort, but i believe your influence secretly sneaks it's way in. I commended you on your show outside the parking lot and you just seem like a warm and inviting person. It is nice to see that, especially in today's music business. Thanks man. You really lived up to what i was hoping to musically and from what it seems, personally.
Take care, hope your tour is full of good times and good fortune.
Writing from Holyoke,MA:
Marvin Quinones.
blind sight;
I can't find anything online... please tell me that you guys didn't just skip making the poster for the texas (including Austin) shows, that would be a huge and epic fail.
Yes, the Asva record is indeed
Yes, the Asva record is very amazing.
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