house of low culture and mamiffer will be playing 2 shows in europe in april. one is in poland. the other is in germany. these shows will be the european debut for both bands. please come to the shows to hear our music. information below:
april 24 2009 - mamiffer (asymmetry festival w/dälek, destructo swarmbots, oddatee) wroclaw, poland @ firlej
april 25 2009 - house of low culture (asymmetry festival w/lvmen, ema camelia, yull, drifted shadows) wroclaw, poland @ firlej
april 27 2009 - house of low culture and mamiffer - berlin, germany @ cassiopeia
we hope to see you there
See you in Berlin, big guy! --Holzer
How about some Texas dates :)
very few shows...we want more!
if you want to spent good holidays come to spain or portugal...there's fine weather now.
One question dear Aaron:
If i tattoo my arm with the hydrahead logo as Laurent has done, maybe i could get free pass to hydrahead shows or fests?
It will be great.
Regrettably I shall not be present in these concerts. The work kills the cuturelle emancipation.
have good moments on stage
bye -Eus
Come to Detroit? Please? I'd love to see you guys, Mamiffer is top grade stuff. I'd love to chat with you guys for a bit.
See you on Asymmetry Festival! Nice to see you debuting in Poland :)
I've got tickets to both shows in poland. See ya Aaron!
Great to hear. See you in Wroclaw!
i will be there and get those albums XD
your blog is feel good......
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Typical of aaron turner...
to bum me the fuck out.
Aaron, i'm beging you on my bloody knees, I WANT NEW SOUND ... on your myspace for exemple !!!
How about London? We love you here!!
I'll trade you a retouched print of this: http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_zpB9ZEe8p8k/SbDNLHXTTmI/AAAAAAAAAbo/MzhA0HQLFRY/s400/DSC_0699.jpg
For any print from my collection here: http://www.simpledirty.com
...lemme know! Deal?
Or hey, if you wanna trade up some vinyl too, I'm down!
Whats up with that reversed cross??Thats so stupid if you ask me...Anyway love your music and your art Aaron.Hope to see house of low culture live soon
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