notice to los angeles area residents and visitors: there's a new record store in town. it is called "vacation". it is a record store in the most literal sense, featuring a carefully curated selection of vinyl LPs, 10"s, and 7"s, (as well as a hand picked assortment of CDs, magazines, cassettes, DVDs, books, turntables and other vinyl accessories). the inception of the store resulted from a series of casual meetings and more formal strategic planning sessions between the founders of two locally and international established entities: hydra head records and secret headquarters . after many discussions, wrestling matches, site surveys, recruitment seminars, and wholesale ordering, "vacation" is ready to open its doors to the public starting now - that is, saturday feb. 28, 2009.
in the welcoming environ of "vacation" visitors can find a slew of different musics to choose from: rock, soul, experimental, jazz, metal, hip hop, and many other forms of recorded sound that will please the discerning and distinguished palette of seasoned afficiandos and musical newcomers alike. aside from a wide variety of releases culled from all corners of the globe, "vacation" boasts the best selection of regularities and rarities from hydra head/isis/and related affiliates (including many new & out of print items unavailable elsewhere). the store is open 7 days a week and is located at 4679 hollywood blvd in the silverlake/los feliz area of LA, near the corner of vermont and hollywood. yes, we're vacation....
Awesome store, i hope in Moscow will be the same soon))Because i really want to buy yours new album on brand new cd))
awesome store, i hope it will be the same in Moscow, because i really want to buy yours new album on brand new cd)
Great store. Scored me a Resuscitator LP there.
i would love to paint some art on the walls of the store if you were interested.
Off the skin of water scumbled blue a ghostly steam-mist rises, as the frost-
Chilled air kisses river surfaces and something changes. Something changes
When two outsides touch like that, each sensing the touch of that sudden other.
As something changes when our wrists and fingers settle and slowly stroke
Each other, taking time to savour the way we feel what's happening here:
The cool of skin meeting the under-heat that blood is, and answering
Its delicate imperative with this smoulder-burn, this elemental shift from
Earth to air and what begins to feel like fire, as if a ghost of soul shimmered
Above the skin we share, the way those wavering radiant exhalations now
Curl their incessant ghost-shapes off the skin, air-kissed, of river water. Eamon Grennan
Will you guys have mail-order available for out-of-towners?
Are you thinking of putting up a website with the stock available in-store, as well?
The store looks awesome - best of luck!
Looks awesome. I will visiting ASAP.
Man, I wish I still lived in LA now...
the name is golden. Store looks awesome!
yo man, trying to get in touch with you to give you some press love on the store. Please hit me back asap @ jeff@thrillist.com
Awwww damn, if only there was something this cool in Detroit. I need a good vinyl shop...all I can get here are 2nd hand Cat Stevens records.
hey can i play an in-store in there this may? i will be there on tour. heh.
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