MAMIFFER: i am pleased and honored to announce that i have been asked to become an "official member" of mamiffer . i gladly accepted the offer, and while i'm not sure what form the results of this venture will produce i imagine that i will contribute to upcoming recordings in some capacity as well as to select future live performances of the group. though i have collaborated with mamiffer in the past i was not at all expecting to be invited become a more involved part of it, and i'm very excited about this opportunity.
ISIS: someone left a comment from a previous asking about isis news - here's what's happening at the moment: 8 tracks have been written for our upcoming recording session in november. most likely 6-7 of them will be used for the next album, and the remaining tracks will be used for an EP that will be released some time there after. we are recording with joe barisi at various studios in los angeles with the expectation that the whole thing will be mixed and mastered by mid january or so. if all goes according to plan that means a spring time release, though no specific date has been set yet. the album will be released by ipecac in the US, conspiracy in europe, and daymare in japan. album and song titles will be forthcoming shortly.
JODIS: after much hesitation, accidentally choosing a name that was already taken, and arguing amongst ourselves, james plotkin, tim wyskida and i have finally decided on a name for our new project. the group will be called jodis, named after a type of moth commonly found in woodland areas across the british isles. the debut album ("secret house") has been finished for some time now and a preview track from it can be heard here . the album is set for release via hydra head in early 2009.
GREYMACHINE: another project long in the works is the debut album from greymachine (justin broadrick, dave cochrane, diarmuid dalton, and myself), which is finally in the finishing stages. titled "disconnected", the album will be out on hydra head sometime in the first portion of 2009. in the meantime you can hear a track from the album here . there has been loose talk of live shows at some point in the future, but the only concrete plan at the moment is to get the album out, an event all the participants have been greatly anticipating to despite our inability to get it done in a timely fashion.
fall supplements: "the psychic soviet" ian svenonius, xasthur "all reflections drained", prurient "cocaine death", helms alee "night terror", "memories, dreams, reflections" c.g. jung, "gotham central" brubaker/rucka, the monorchid "let them eat", deathspell omega "fas...", kayo dot - live in los angeles at the knitting factory, modern jazz quartet "pyramid", the bug "london zoo"....
When do you find time to sleep, Aaron??? Best from Berlin, Derek
Good to hear from you, Aaron.
Congrats on the Mamiffer co-opt, as well.
Just a quick question - are you available for design work commissioning to the "general public"? Specifically referring to album artwork or even as far as tattoo design.
Thanks dude. Next time you hit New Zealand I'll have some holy herb for ya' - shame about last time...
So, no Matt Bayles on this one?
Are you looking to go in a different direction sonically with this one?
Interested to see what happens not only musically/lyrically, but also the sound "as a whole" produced. Your albums all have a very distinct sound from album to album. I'm quite used to Bayles myself, and what he lent to each album.
Should be interesting!
wow thanks for answering and thanks for this big news!
"oceans by the windmills" should be arriving me in 2 weeks or something...and i cant wait to grab other project cds
damn yeeha
Great news! So glad to hear the Mamiffer update too, I was hoping that wasn't just a one-time project! Guess I'm getting too used to S. Brodsky's projects or something... ;)
Busy, busy, busy. Very good news to hear that Evil Joe is at the helm for the new ISIS!
If you like Mamiffer, check out Mothlite's 'The Flax Of Reverie' on Southern Records. It's the recent band from Daniel O'Sullivan (Guapo/Miasma) and by far the best album of 2008.
Hey Aaron, such great news :)
Tell us, will Isis play any new song in London?
Nice to get an update on Isis. I'm excited to see where you guys are going with the new album.
Anything about the Oceanic DVD though? We haven't heard about it for a while, its still going to come out right?
By any chance, does the Isis ep you speak of have anything to do with the long anticipated Melvins split...maybe? thanks!
"The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed."
-Carl G. Jung
Any word on a release date for the Oceanic DVD?
Hello My name is Brian Mills. I am a big fan of your music and your artwork. Is there any way a poor guy could buy or get some art from you.
Brian Mills
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