above are some preview images from the completed zozobra "bird of prey" layout. peices shown are the front of the o-card, the back cover/outer tray card, and an interior spread from the booklet. the final layout will consist of an embossed o-card/slipcase, regular cd face and tray card, and a 12 page booklet. the color displayed on screen as a sort of tan/dirty yellow will print as metallic gold. aside from the music of zozobra and the notes they gave me, inspiration for this layout came from the black flag "family man" 12" cover. the connection may not seem readily apparent, but i just couldn't get that cover out of my mind once i began work on the assembly of this project. i would hardly classify that as one of my favorite black flag releases, but i've always found that particular sleeve fascinating.
aside from work on the zozobra i've completed the drawings for the forthcoming pelican/these arms are snakes split 10" (formely a 7", upgraded to the larger format to accomodate the track lengths). the layout is now in the hands of the very capable ryan frederiksen, and i'll hopefully be able to post some previews of that stuff in the coming weeks. next up will be the layout for the forthcoming bergraven album for hydra head, which i might add is a motherfucker. while i thought "dödsvisioner" was a pretty remarkable piece of work, its successor is superior in every respect - i'm truly excited for other people to hear this thing, and they will come october of this year. in the mean time you can find a small and inadequate sample of bergraven here
in the aural realm, the previously untitled collaboration between james plotkin, tim wyskida, and myself, finally has a name: vessl. the debut album has finally been completed and hopefully samples will be made available in the near future - most likely through james' website . it also looks like there's going to be some house of low culture live performances this fall, specifically in the northwestern US. the only confirmed date as of this moment is seattle, wa, on september 14. HOLC wil have the distinct pleasure of sharing the stage with mamiffer and hemingway . more info on those shows as things get firmed up. hopefully i'll get my ass in gear to put together a new HOLC release in time for those shows - but that remains to be seen...
pretty, pretty, pretty good: daughters - live at the troubadour, torche and clouds - live at the relax bar, hellblazer vol. 2 "the devil you know", twin peaks: fire walk with me, pierrot le fou, ashpool "the world turns on its hinge", leviathan "massive conspiracy against all life", wu-tang "8 diagrams", boris "smile" japanese version (a totally different mix/version than the US version - well worth seeking out), further visitations from astral traveller of the 4th dimension, and animal companions (even the whiny one jacked up on steroids)....
Very cool!I like it very much!
I am waiting for your next drawings and songs.
I know that you are very busy person,but I hope that you will post your art more often. :)
that is so awesome! purple and bitter gold, compliment each other well! the type also works so perfectly for zozobra; its really fiery and intimidating, is it all hand rendered?
Lookin slick! I really dig the tie-in from the last album's artwork, those winding tentacles. Looking forward to the packaging with the gold... any plans for a 12" release?!??
I've also got to say, the Clouds hand-lettering and design was too cool, such an awesome album as well. And I hope that's a curb your enthusiasm reference.... ;)
Ehhhh Torche/Clouds live recordings? Where/how? I want...
Epic design too, will be a sweet package.
Is that you aaron?
Saludos desde Argentina!
Great drawings for sure, but not completely amazing and mind-blowing, compared to some of your other work. it takes a little more originality and new thinking in order to succed in that matter. Anyway I know it must be hard to limit your creativity, since you seem to have tons of projects keeping you busy besides Isis, but I really think you should focus your creativity and mind more on expanding the world of Isis with a new album, than making album art for "average", compared to Isis, bands. Don't get me wrong I really admire your ability to create fantastic art and thrive on your creativity, but I still think that it works best in the Isis constellation. I know that I must sound like a pretentious fuck and I must underline that I am not trying to tell you how to manage your artistic visions. I am simply expressing my humble opionion as a fan. See it as a expression of hunger for experiencing more from the Isis sounding board
mmm love the drawings but not the colours...
best whises from Spain
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