A Hydra Head ad from approx. 13 years ago. Small revelations in the details: no website address,
fax number listed for our distributor, prices were low, demos existed, downloads did not, no email address, actual
mailorder (you know the kind where customers sent their order through the mail...), most of these bands no longer exist, some of them still do.... Oh, and this ad was printed in an actual zine, newsprint at that. The ranks have dwindled considerably since then...
Late summer seasonings: Avichi "The Devil's Fractal", Haxan Cloak s/t, Pyramids and Horseback "A Throne Without a King", "The Invisibles" Grant Morrison, Skull Defekts "Blood Spirits and Drums are Singing", The Moon Lay Hidden Beneath A Cloud "The Smell of Blood but Victory", Surprise!....