Old Man Gloom has commenced work on new recordings. These will appear in the form of a new album via Profound Lore (digital), and SIGE Records (analog) in 2014. Phase One was completed as of 12/13/13. The group will reconvene for Phase Two in 06/14. Kurt Ballou is presiding over the production activity sector. The Gloom Group in this formation consists of AT, SM, CS and NN. Thank you.
Thursday, December 26, 2013
Old Man Gloom has commenced work on new recordings. These will appear in the form of a new album via Profound Lore (digital), and SIGE Records (analog) in 2014. Phase One was completed as of 12/13/13. The group will reconvene for Phase Two in 06/14. Kurt Ballou is presiding over the production activity sector. The Gloom Group in this formation consists of AT, SM, CS and NN. Thank you.
Aaron Turner,
Kurt Ballou,
Old Man Gloom,
Profound Lore,
SIGE Records
Monday, December 9, 2013
Above: photos and a jpeg approximation of the final print of my NVTN print now available for sale at S&D. It's a 12" x 26" one color hand screened print on black French paper with laser engraving in the lower right hand corner. The standard edition (of 100 prints) is available here, and the black on black artist's edition (of 45 prints) is available here. Thanks to S&D and All Pigs Must Die for the invitation to realize this project.
Monday, November 25, 2013

There are some new things now available in the SIGE shop:
- Barnett + Coloccia "Retrieval" LP/CS
- F. Coloccia - Book 2
- Newly added merch items, photo cards, etc.
You can visit the store here.
In related news, the Barnett + Coloccia debut album is now streaming on Pitchfork here. The project is made up of the duo of Alex Barnett (solo artist, also of Oakeater), and Faith Coloccia (Mamiffer, House of Low Culture, etc.). Randall Dunn mixed the album, and I did a bit of production work/sample manipulation on it as well. The LP version has been released by Blackest Ever Black, and the cassette by SIGE. There's also a video for one of the tracks from the album by Daniel Menche, which you can view here.
Lastly, the Mamiffer & Circle "Enharmonic Intervals..." album is now available digitally here.
Thank you.
Currently enjoying: Hickman "East of West", Black to Comm "Fractal Hair Geometry", Eliane Radigue "Feedback Works 1969-1970", Toru Takemitsu "Minitaur IV", Mesa Ritual - new album, Black Spirituals - new album, Mika Vainio "Kilo", Jochim Nordwall "Soul Music", Merkstave LP, etc...
Thursday, November 21, 2013
I will have a drawing in this One Day Art Sale For Syria, this Sunday - Nov 24. If you are in the LA/Pasadena area on Sunday please support this event. Curated by Gilda Davidian and also featuring work by Gilda, Faith Coloccia, Akina Cox and many others. Thank you.
Thursday, November 14, 2013
This weekend:
11/14 @ The Highline / Seattle, WA
Gabriel Saloman, Mamiffer, Dull Knife & LA Lungs
11/16 @ Vancouver, BC / (email sigerecords@hotmail.com for venue info)
Gabriel Saloman, Mamiffer, House of Low Culture & Mass Marriage
Thank you.
Monday, November 11, 2013
Here are some new tracks from recent Mamiffer cassette releases on SIGE Records. The first is from the "Live Through Menche" release - Mamiffer live recordings as interpreted by Daniel Menche . The second is from the split cassette with House of Low Culture. Both are available from the SIGE Big Cartel page now. Art and packaging by Faith Coloccia. Thank you.
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
Above: photos from the Aaron Turner & Faith Coloccia "Discarnate" dual exhibition. From top to bottom: 1. Turner - wall paintings/cut out paintings on paper/framed collages 2. Turner - painting detail 3. Coloccia - dyed cloth/objects sculpture 4. Coloccia - hanging weaving/sculpture 5. Turner & Coloccia - sound installation/amp pile + paintings by Coloccia.
Thanks to the Hastings Cone Gallery for hosting the exhibition and Joe Preston for the opening night DJ action. For further info/pricing on individual pieces please email sigerecords@hotmail.com. There will be some small editions books related to/from the exhibition available for the SIGE Records store shortly.
Thank you.
Currently enjoying: Daniel Higgs "Metempsychotic Melodies", Gorguts "Colored Sands", Gabriel Saloman "Riots Don't Just Happen", Russian Circles "Memorial", Lustmord "The Word As Power", Emptyset "Demiurge", Sutekh Hexen "Become", "School Spirits" by Anya Davidson, etc.
Saturday, October 26, 2013
Faith and I will be showing new artwork, and have a sound installation at Hastings Cone Gallery on Vashon, November 1st-30th. The opening night (Nov.1st 6-9pm) DJ will be Joe Preston. We will also have a new book available for the first time at the show.
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
...thank you Cvlt Nation for hosting this!
Related: in case anyone is wondering, the album in question is not in fact based around the Exorcist. Mamiffer and Circle are possessed though:
Friday, October 18, 2013
The Mamiffer/House of Low Culture North American tour has concluded. We had some amazing experiences along the way, stayed with and played with some great people/musicians/artists, and for all this we are deeply grateful and honored. To all the friends (new and old) who put us up and fed us, set up shows/events, to all the people we had the pleasure perform with and along side, and everyone who attended these events: thank you - our lives have been immeasurably changed and improved by the experiences of the past month and a half.
Some nice documentation now exists from our travels, a few pieces of which are included below:
First: photos by Christopher Wormald from "MEDIUM" - the collaborative performance work by Faith Coloccia, Julie Tolentino and myself. This event was curated by Robert Crouch/VOLUME Projects and certainly constitutes one of the highlights of the trip - not to mention being one of the more interesting events in which I've participated period. A more complete photo set can also be viewed here.
Second: a video excerpt of Mamiffer's performance in Los Angeles on 10/03. Speaking of the live show, Mamiffer has also just recorded a version of the set we were performing this past month (in a 13 hour session at Avast with Randall Dunn) - more on that soon.
Thank you.
Currently/recently enjoying: Daniel Higgs "Ultraterrestrial Harvest Hymns", Sad Vicious - live, The Bug "Ganja Baby b/w Dis Mi Army", Black Spirituals - live, Alcest - live, Moore/Lloyd "V for Vendetta", Hair Police "The Empty Quarter", Sutekh Hexen "Monument of Decay", Birchville Cat Motell "Cranes Are Sleeping", etc.
Some nice documentation now exists from our travels, a few pieces of which are included below:
First: photos by Christopher Wormald from "MEDIUM" - the collaborative performance work by Faith Coloccia, Julie Tolentino and myself. This event was curated by Robert Crouch/VOLUME Projects and certainly constitutes one of the highlights of the trip - not to mention being one of the more interesting events in which I've participated period. A more complete photo set can also be viewed here.
Second: a video excerpt of Mamiffer's performance in Los Angeles on 10/03. Speaking of the live show, Mamiffer has also just recorded a version of the set we were performing this past month (in a 13 hour session at Avast with Randall Dunn) - more on that soon.
Thank you.
Currently/recently enjoying: Daniel Higgs "Ultraterrestrial Harvest Hymns", Sad Vicious - live, The Bug "Ganja Baby b/w Dis Mi Army", Black Spirituals - live, Alcest - live, Moore/Lloyd "V for Vendetta", Hair Police "The Empty Quarter", Sutekh Hexen "Monument of Decay", Birchville Cat Motell "Cranes Are Sleeping", etc.
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
The Mamiffer & Circle "Enharmonic Intervals (for Paschen Organ)" album is out today via SIGE Records and Ektro Records. That, and some other new Mamiffer and House of Low Culture artifacts are up for sale over at the SIGE Records Big Cartel page now. These include, but are not limited to:
Mamiffer and Circle "Enharmonic Intervals (for Paschen Organ)" 2xLP and CD
Mamiffer "Mare Decendrii" 2xLP re-press
Mamiffer & House of Low Culture "Split tape #3"
Mamiffer "LIVE (Through Daniel Menche)" tape
Mamiffer & Demian Johnston "split tape" re-press
Mamiffer and House of Low Culture 2013 Fall tour merchandise: patches, shirts, etc.
Thank you!

Wednesday, October 2, 2013
Organized by VOLUME and hosted by Night Gallery.
Monday, October 7
8 - 9pm
$5 - $15 suggested donation
2276 East 16th Street
Los Angeles, CA
Its visibility may wax or wane, and to the touch it may feel soft, elastic, fibrous or hard. It has the power of self-locomotion, and moves generally with a slow reptilian movement, though it is capable of moving with extreme rapidity. It is capable of both evolution and involution, and is thus a living substance. It is extremely doubtful whether it ever, even in its most perfect formations, actually loses contact with the medium and pursues an independent life, even momentarily, though such a supposition must be borne in mind as being a possibility....
Faith Coloccia is a multi-media artist, graphic designer and composer. She received a B.F.A. in Fine Arts from Otis College of Art and Design. She is currently focusing on her experimental music project Mamiffer, as well as various audio and visual works under her own name. She is the co-owner of SIGE Records and Publishing.
Julie Tolentino’s career spans over two decades of dance, installation, site-specific durational performance with diverse roles of host, producer, mentor, collaborator with artists such as Meg Stuart, Ron Athey, Madonna, Catherine Opie, David Rousseve, Lovett/Codagnone, Juliana Snapper, Diamanda Galas, Stosh Fila, Robert Crouch/Volume, Juliana Snapper, Elana Mann, Mark So, Gran Fury, CANDIDATE and Rodarte. Tolentino is deeply influenced by her extensive experience as caregiver; Eastern and aquatic bodyworker; a highly disciplined contemporary dancer; and as proprietress of Clit Club in New York. Her diverse and exploratory duet/solo practice includes installation, dance-for-camera, and durational performance engaging improvisation one-to-one score-making and fluids, including blood, tears, and honey. As an extension of her practice after twenty-five years in New York City, she designed and built a solar-powered live-work residency in the Mohave Desert: FERAL House Studio, where she explores the remote forms of physical inquiry through landscape and texts. She has received numerous grants and fellowships. She is currently the editor of Provocations in The Drama Review-TDR/MIT PRESS. Her works have been commissioned by The Kitchen, Participant Inc., Invisible Exports, Performa’05; and in the UK by Spill Festival, Tramway, DanceExchange, and queerupnorth. Recent tours include England, Europe, Myanmar, the Philippines at Manila Contemporary, Green Papaya Gallery and Theaterworks in Singapore. She has been presented at Broad Art Space at University California Los Angeles (UCLA), Los Angeles Contemporary Exhibitions (LACE), Commonwealth & Council, Move-In Honor Fraser, PSI19 at Stanford, Install Weho, The Reanimation Library Project in Joshua Tree, FIRE IN HER BELLY at Maloney Fine Art and Within at Cypress College Art Gallery. Near future projects include a residency at the New Museum, Performa’13, HDTS 2013, Sur Biennial #2/Cerritos Art Gallery and new work at UCLA, NYC Abu Dhabi, and Yerba Buena Center for the Arts in 2014.
Aaron Turner is a musician, singer, and graphic artist who has been publicly active since 1995. He is most widely known for his role as guitarist and vocalist for the post-metal band Isis, while also participating in numerous musical projects such as House of Low Culture, Jodis, Old Man Gloom, Lotus Eaters, Greymachine and Split Cranium. He has collaborated on stage and in the studio with artists such as Masami Akita/Merzbow, Jussi Lehtisalo, Stephen O'Malley, Tim Hecker, Justin Broadrick, Daniel Menche, James Plotkin and many others. Performing live for nearly two decades, Turner's appearances have ranged from basements and DIY youth centers to international festivals and museum/galley spaces. His work has been largely informed by a lifetime involvement with the underground metal and hardcore scene, but has often materialized in highly abstracted forms that utilize processes of electro-acoustic exploration, emotionally rigorous improvisation and long form compositional techniques. Of particular interest to Turner is the tension created by purposeful juxtaposition of recognizable/melodic song structure with disruptive textures and other "non-musical" sounds. Though his music has taken many shapes, the central goal has remained constant - a overriding desire to generate sound that summons strong emotional responses for the listener as well as the performer.
In addition to his many musical projects, Turner is the founder and art director of Hydra Head Records, a long running independent record label focused on heavy and experimental music. In partnership with his wife Faith Coloccia, Turner also founded the SIGE Records label, with the primary intent of publishing their own works, as well as that of their ever widening circle of collaborators. His current and near future projects include an ongoing collaboration with William Fowler Collins, a new project with Brian Williams/Lustmord, and continued performances and recordings with Mamiffer, House of Low Culture and Old Man Gloom.
Sunday, September 29, 2013
More Mamiffer & Circle music:
Thank you.....
Thank you.....
Tuesday, September 24, 2013

The Mamiffer & Circle "Enharmonic Intervals (for Paschen Organ)" 2xLP is now available for order in the SIGE Records webstore. Preview tracks may be heard on the SIGE Soundcloud. The CD version on Ektro Records will also be available in the coming weeks.
Paintings, photos and drawings for the album were made by Faith Coloccia, and the design was handled by musta Kirahvi.
Mamiffer will also be selling copies of the vinyl on the west coast portion of their current tour, and possibly the CD if they show up in time.
Thank you.
Van sounds: Corrupted, Enslaved, Jon Mueller, Joyce Carol Oates, William Fowler Collins & Gog, Jussi Lehtisalo, etc.
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
Another preview track here from the forthcoming Mamiffer & Circle "Enharmonic Intervals (for Paschen Organ)" collaborative album:
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thursday, September 5, 2013
We start driving tomorrow, first show on Sunday.
Thanks to Bryan Proteau for the beautiful drawing on the poster above!
Hope to see some of you out there....
* MamifferWith Alcest and Anathema
# As/with House of Low Culture (aka HoLC)
#9/8 - Minneapolis, MN - House of Low Culture and TBA @ Madame
#9/9 - Chicago, IL - House of Low Culture w/Helen Money & Andy Ortmann @ 2202 N. Milwaukee
#9/11 - Pawtucket, RI - Mamiffer, HoLC, High aura'd & Brown Recluse Alpha (Chris Forgues) @ Machines w/ Magnets
*9/12 - Philadelphia, PA - Mamiffer @ Underground Arts
*9/13 - Springfield, VA - Mamiffer @ Empire
*9/14 - New York, NY - Mamiffer @ Gramercy Theater
*9/15 - Boston, MA - Mamiffer @ Middle East
*9/16 - Montreal, QC - Mamiffer @ Foufounes Electriques
*9/18 - Toronto, ON - Mamiffer @ Opera House
*9/19 - Flint, MI @ - Mamiffer The Machine Shop
*9/20 - Cleveland, OH - Mamiffer @ Peabody's
*9/21 - Chicago, IL - Mamiffer @ Reggie's
*9/22 - Minneapolis, MN - Mamiffer @ Mill City Nights
*9/24 - Denver, CO - Mamiffer @ Summit City Music Hall
*9/25 - Salt Lake City, UT - Mamiffer @ In The Venue
*9/26 - Boise, ID - Mamiffer @ Knitting Factory
*9/27 - Seattle, WA - Mamiffer @ Studio Seven
*9/28 - Vancouver, BC - Mamiffer @ Rickshaw Theater
*9/29 - Portland, OR - Mamiffer @ Hawthorne Theater
#09/30 - Chico, CA - House of Low Culture, Mamiffer, Ernesto Alvorado @ The Coda Bar
*10/1 - Oakland, CA - Mamiffer @ Oakland Opera House
#10/02 - Oakland, CA - House of Low Culture w/Sad Vicious, Black Spirituals and Helen Money @ Life Changing Ministries
*10/3 - Los Angeles, CA - Mamiffer @ El Rey Theater
*10/4 - San Diego, CA - Mamiffer @ The Casbah
*10/5 - Tempe, AZ - Mamiffer @ The Marquee Theater
#10/7 - Los Angeles, CA - Faith Coloccia and Aaron Turner w/Julie Tolentino @Night Gallery
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
The first track from the Mamiffer & Circle "Enharmonic Intervals (for Paschen Organ)" is up at Tiny Mix Tapes today. Thanks to them for hosting this!
Above image by Faith Coloccia, from the interior artwork for the album.
Saturday, August 24, 2013
Tuesday, August 6, 2013
Above: cover image for the forthcoming Mamiffer & Circle collaborative album "Enharmonic Intervals (for Paschen Organ) due out on SIGE Records and Ektro Records, October, 2013. More release details here. Cover design by Musta kirahvi, photo by F. Coloccia. Track previews coming soon...
Thank you.
Currently enjoying: Mrtyu"Ritual Terra Continuii", Main "Ablation", Lycus "Tempest", Vangelis "Blade Runner", Seitz vs Gendreau LP, Nate Young "Regression", Lussuria "American Babylon", etc.
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
Took a while to get around to making a web-anything for House of Low Culture, but now there's a bandcamp page with most of the discography and a little info about each of the releases. More to be added when masters for the missing releases can be found in some sort of digitizable form.
House of Low Culture Band camp
....aaaand, a couple more shows added to the Mamiffer/HoLC fall tour:
- 09/30 - Chico, CA - House of Low Culture & Mamiffer w/Ernesto Alvorado @ The Coda Bar
- 10/02 - Oakland, CA - House of Low Culture w/Sad Vicious, Black Spirituals and Helen Money @ Life Changing Ministries
Thank you.
Thursday, July 18, 2013
There will be a small number of House of Low Culture shows this fall, initial dates are as follows:
09/09 - Chicago, IL - w/Helen Money + Andy Ortmann - 2201 N. Milwaukee
10/24 - Seattle, WA - w/Godflesh, Prurient, Nails - Neumo's
10/25 - Portland, OR - w/Godflesh, Prurient, Nails - Hawthorne Theatre
More dates to be announced shortly. The configuration of HoLC for these shows will be as a duo with Faith Coloccia.
The photo above depicts the scene of new HoLC recording actives - in particular for a new split cassette with Mamiffer. Recording/mixing for the Mamiffer side of the split is also underway in the same location. The split should be ready in time for the Mamiffer fall tour, and aforementioned HoLC dates. There are further HoLC recordings in motion for an eventual LP and a remix piece for JK Flesh, both of which will hopefully be out in some form by late 2013/early 2014.
Lastly, there's now a public Instagram profile for updates/snapshots of various musical and visual projects in which I'm involved - user name is: aaronbturner.
Thank you.
Enjoying: Joachim Nordwall "Psychic Propaganda", "Punk Rock Jesus" - Sean Murphy, Ilsa "The Maggots are Hungry", Pan American "Cloud Room, Glass Room", Okkultokrati "Snakereigns", Circle "Six Day Run", Merzbow & Oren Ambarchi "Cat's Squirell", Hey Colossus "Cuckoo Live Life Like Cuckoo", etc
Aaron Turner,
Faith Coloccia,
House of Low Culture,
Saturday, July 6, 2013
Above: various pieces of the CD and LP layout for the forthcoming album "Nothing Violates This Nature" by All Pigs Must Die. The CD and LP utilize the same basic art elements, but have different configurations/arrangements. I did the layout and illustrations, Faith Coloccia did the type/text treatments. As previously mentioned, there will be some limited prints based off this artwork available in the near future - more on that soon. The CD version of the album is up for pre-order from Southern Lord now, LP coming shortly.
Summer enjoyment: Alison Bechdel "Fun Home", Armagedda "Only True Believers", Daniel Menche & Mike Shiflet "Stalemate", Circle "Suur-Pori", Betynget Af "Knaekkede Stemmer", Aluk Todolo "Occult Rock", Asphyx "Deathammer", Margaret Atwood "Alias Grace", Harry Pussy "What Was Music", etc.
Thursday, June 27, 2013
Mamiffer will be supporting Alcest and Anathema on their upcoming US tour - very much looking forward to this. If all goes according to plan the Circle & Mamiffer album will be ready in time for the tour, along with the new Mamiffer/House of Low Culture split. In addition to the shows with Alcest and Anathema we're going to try to fill in some of the off days with House of Low Culture or Mamiffer shows in other areas - more on that soon....
Also - there is a new SIGE store focusing on rarities and specialty items related to the labels collection of artists (including House of Low Culture, Mamiffer, etc.). The election in the store is in constant rotation - since there are only small quantities of most items in the store they come and go quickly. You can visit the store here.
Monday, June 10, 2013
Last year I recorded vocals for a Converge cover of the Entombed classic "Wolverine Blues". That version of the track is now available as part of a digital EP on Converge's band site. Very grateful to have been asked to participate in this project as a long time fan of both Converge and Entomed, so thanks to all involved! Track is below and you can get the full EP here.
Saturday, June 8, 2013
Above: Preview images from the ISIS "Celestial" 2xLP layout. Vinyl version on Robotic Empire, CD version on Ipecac - both due out July 9th. Pre-order info coming soon.
Enjoying: Cut Hands - live, Asphyx "Deathhammer", Shitmat "Killbabylongkutz" Alan Moore/Kevin O'Niell "Nemo: Heart of Ice", Diamanda Galas "The Litanies of Satan", Nortt "Gudsforladt", Knut s/t EP, etc.
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