Monday, February 15, 2016


It is with great regret that we are announcing the postponement of our tour that was to set begin this week - we will only be able play the Vancouver date on 2/19. In our collective careers none of us has ever had to do this, and wouldn't do so without very good reason. Here's what happened - 1: We've been applying for a visa for Nick so he can legally play in the US - as some of you may know he is Canadian. We started this process almost a year ago and were assured it would come through in time for this tour. It didn't. We can't risk him being barred from the country for good by bringing him over for this tour without one. 2: One of us has had a health crisis within our very immediate family - one that requires being close to home for the foreseeable future. One of these reasons alone would've been enough to shut the tour down, the two combined makes it basically impossible. Believe us when we say no one is more disappointed than we are, and we WILL make this up in the very near future, once the above obstacles have been overcome. In the meantime come see us in Vancouver this weekend if you can, and please go see our great friends ENDON and Black Spirituals who will be doing the rest of the tour without us. They are two of the best bands going at the moment and very worthy of your time and attention. Both have done a lot to make this tour happen (ENDON coming all the way from Japan), and would love your attendance at the remaining shows. Thank you all for your support and we look forward to seeing you very soon.
p.s. we'll have some good news about our other activities to share with you later this week...

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