Above: Layout for Mamiffer/House of Low Culture/Merzbow "Lou Lou... in Tokyo" CD/DVD. Photos and design assistance by
Faith Coloccia.
This music on this album is a live recording from Tokyo in March of 2010. The players on the recording are: Faith Coloccia, Aaron Turner, Masami Akita and Atsuo. Included are tracks by the individual acts as well as full collaborative pieces including all four musicians. The CD/DVD will be released on
Daymare Recordings followed by a 2xLP version on
SIGE Records, both in April.
Currently enjoying: Pauline Oliveros "To Valerie Solanas and Marilyn Monroe in Recognition of Their Desperation", "THB" by Paul Pope, "Breaking Down the Wall of Silence" by Alice Miller, Carlos Giffoni and Hive Mind "Claustrophobic Wreck", Helms Alee "Weatherhead", Lantlos ".neon", Eleh "Radiant Intervals", Susi-Unto "Puheluja Pimealta Puolelta", etc...