Sunday, July 5, 2015


Above: images from the album art for Steve Von Til's "A Life Unto Itself".

CD and LP versions are out now via Neurot Recordings, and you can listen to the album here.
Thanks to Steve for inviting me to participate in the project.

Also out now - Barnett + Coloccia "Weld" LP (cover art below by Faith Coloccia). This is the second album by the duo of Alex Barnett (Oakeater), and Faith Coloccia (Mamiffer), also their second for the Blackest Ever Black label. I contributed a bit to the project in the form of recording and and some production in tandem with Faith. The album is streaming here.

Currently enjoying: Disasterpeace "It Follows" OST, Aktor "Paranoia", "Worst Behavior" Simon Hanselmann, Logical Nonsense "Expand the Hive", Maica Mia - live, Barnett + Coloccia "Weld", Pale Chalice "Negate the Infinite and Miraculous", etc.